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首页 > 产品信息 > 光无源器件 > 波分复用器件 > 深圳易捷通光电 Speed Photon Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexer DWDM

深圳易捷通光电 Speed Photon Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexer DWDM

发布时间:2018-05-05 信息有效期:365天 浏览:3465举报
深圳易捷通光电 Speed Photon Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexer DWDM
  • 信息分类:光无源器件 - 波分复用器件
  • 所在区域:广东省 - 深圳市
  • 有效日期:365天
  • 信息类型:产品信息

Speed Photon now offers a compact DWDM module that provides bandwidth capacity expansion for future network growth in one of the small packages. Its mini size and unique carrier tray set it apart, and can be installed in a variety of field situations. 

Speed Photon’s compact DWDM is based on thin film filter technology and available in 8-or 8+1-channel configurations. Optical performance is excellent with low insertion loss and excellent temperature stability.

Performance Specification
Parameter Unit 8Channel
Center Wavelength nm ITU Grid
Channel Spacing GHz 100 200
Channel Passband nm ±0.11 ±0.25
Insertion Loss dB 3.0
Adjacent Isolation dB 25
Non-Adjacent Isolation dB 40
PDL dB 0.2
Directivity dB 50
Return Loss dB 45
PMD ps 0.2
Operating Temperature -10 to +70
Storage Temperature -40 to +85
Fiber Type G657A1 Fiber
Package Dimensions mm 54X40X6.4
关键字DWDM Multiplexer Division Wavelength Dense Photon Speed 深圳 光电
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